Local Suppliers

 We proudly support our community and use some fantastic ingredients from our local suppliers in Hampshire & the IOW in our products - Check them out below!


Bunbury Bees      www.bunburybees.co.uk

Bunbury Bees was founded in 2014 by husband and wife team Chris and Kate.

Their Our Philosophy
We believe in compassionate beekeeping and low-impact honey farming techniques. The honey is produced with a love and care for bees above and beyond what is common practice in wider apiculture.

Local honey with distinct flavour
Our apiaries are located across the Isle of Wight and we currently have hives located in Newport, Carisbrooke, Ryde, Brading, Bembridge, St Helens, Wroxall, Arreton, Porchfield, and Chale. Each site will have a distinct flavour from the others imparted by the different flowers prominent nearby.

Beekeeping Experiences!

Our beekeeping experience is designed to be fully hands-on so that you can get up close to a hive of working honey bees, learn about their life cycle, and understand more about how honey is produced. It's an ideal taster session if you have ever thought about keeping bees, or if you are just interested to learn more.


Little Mountain Lavender www.littlemountainlavender.co.uk

Founded in 2021 by husband and wife team Ralph and Sally, near Romsey in Hampshire.

They lovingly plant, care for and harvest all their lavender by hand so that the oil and buds are the highest quality and contain only the happiest energies and never any chemical pesticides or fertilizers.


They also have secluded lavender fields which provide the perfect setting for professional photoshoots, whether it be an individual, couple/engagement, family or group photoshoot, or a commercial modelling or nature shoot. 







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